Inter/Advance Bass
Bass is the deep rumbling of the earth, the train’s coal fire, and the howling wolf in the distance. It’s an honor and privilege to play the roll of bass with others in community, and our desire to do it right can sometimes get in the way of supporting the jam.
If we think too much in a jam setting, we’re doing it wrong. If we don’t think enough in the practice room, we’re also probably doing it wrong! Let’s identify some mental barriers that take us out of the groove and make us question our abilities.
We’ll talk about the philosophy of staying in a sleep/wake mindset when playing, daily warmups that keep your intonation up to date, metronome exercises to make your time rock solid, and listening exercises to expand your harmonic ear.
We’ll also work on bowing technique, so you can try to keep up with the fiddle players, and outline some soloing ideas to help you take your soloing to the next level.
Matthew Holmes
Matthew has been working to help ecological restoration efforts in the Northwest, all while playing bass in the Portland community.
Music and ecology are very similar in their being-ness and Matthew Holmes has always strived to create a wholeness in his playing.
Matthew Holmes is a highly diversified bass player touring and playing both in community park events and with Grammy winners. He spans the musical genres from Bluegrass to folk, and free jazz to funk.
Holmes has collaborated and supported musicians like Haley Heynderickx, Illegal Son, Daniel Rossi's Mess, Chamberlain Gonzalez, Johnny Franco, Rivkah Ross, Tommy Alexander, Machado Mijiga and James Powers, and has deepened his community and learning through these experiences.
Matthew continues to reach for new understanding and communion with musicians and ecological.